Battery Storage allows excess solar energy to be intercepted before it is sent back to the grid.
This allows the electricity your system produces to be stored for use at a later time, whether that is in the evening when there is no daylight to generate power or perhaps a few days down the line when it’s overcast and your panels needs a generation boost.
Battery Storage ensures you use as much energy produced from the panels as possible. While sending electricity back to the grid allows you to generate a tax free income via the export tariff, it is more economical to use the power that your system generates.
In the winter months, when there is not a substantial amount of excess energy generated from panels, customers are charging the batteries on the off peak economy 7 tariff overnight. This means the battery can then be relied on during the day and means avoiding paying the standard day time rate for electricity. Customers save 60% on their day time usage with this process allowing their system to become more streamlined and economical all year round.
It is possible to have our batteries installed without a PV system to charge on the off peak tariff overnight to reduce energy bills.
Battery Storage ensures you use as much energy produced from the panels as possible.